A developer configures T-Check using an extended version of TOSSIM's configuration mechanism, via a Python script.
Users can refer to TOSSIM link to learn how to write the python script for TOSSIM. In addition to APIs currently provided by TOSSIM, T-Check extends the following APIs.
initMoteNum(int moteNum, int propertyNum)
: tells T-Check how many motes and sets of property will be involved in T-Check initially, this function should always be called in the first place;
setLossAndBiasingAndTossim(int loss_mode, int bias_mode, int tossim_mode)
: sets loss mode, biasing mode and TOSSIM-supporting mode for T-Check.
SetDeltaDebugging(int deltaDebugging)
: sets whether to shorten the error trace.
mcMoteDeath(int mote, int step)
: mote death.
mcMoteRevival(int mote, int step)
: mote revial, often used with mcMoteDeath.
mcMoteReboot(int mote, int step)
: mote reboot.
setSendProb(double prob)
: sets the packet transimission success ratio.
setReceiveProb(double prob)
: sets the packet reception success ratio.
setAckProb(double prob)
: sets the packet acknowledgement success ratio.
startModelChecking(char* MODE, int MC_BOUND, int RW_BOUND)
: sets arguments for combination of DFS and random walk.
startRandomWalk(int RW_BOUND, int ROUNDS)
: sets arguments for pure random walk, which means there is no model checking.
Users can refer to the example python program test.py for MultihopOscilloscope